Petra Lewis

Hi my name is Petra Lewis and I am a personal trainer and fitness professional with a passion for nutrition. January 2016 I was introduced to the incredible world of food fermentation. I thought I will give it a go to help my husband with his stomach issues. Basically he was going through a bottle of Gavascon a week. 4 – 6 weeks later he had noticed a dramatic improvement to the point his last bottle of Gavascon is still unopened in the cupboard. The following summer we also noticed that my son and husband who used to suffer with hay fever suddenly had improved dramatically. Personally I no longer suffer from the dreaded sugar cravings that I am sure most can relate to. We had improved our general health including upset stomach, colds and viruses. Most of all I feel very satisfied that my family now have healthy happy gut! Being passionate about it I have decided to start doing the workshops to give you the opportunity to try it out and learn how to make it all for your own health benefits. I am so glad I got myself into Fermenting as I love the taste and see the health benefits for myself and my family. I am sure this will open up a wealth of health opportunities for you.


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